In India, the Rashtriya Ekta Diwas or National Unity Day is noticed yearly on October 31 since 2014, to commemorate the delivery anniversary of the Iron Man of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. This yr marks the 145th anniversary of the nice chief who performed an instrumental position in India’s wrestle for independence, and later through the integration of the nation.
About Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel:
- He was born on 31st October 1875 in Nadiad, Gujarat.
- He was the first Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of unbiased India.
- He performed an vital position within the integration of many Indian princely states to make an Indian federation.
- At the time of independence, he performed a key position in convincing a number of princely states to align with the Indian Union. He additionally labored laborious as a social chief for the independence of India.
- Women of Bardoli bestowed the title ‘Sardar’ on Vallabhbhai Patel, which suggests ‘a Chief or a Leader’.
- He is acknowledged as the actual unifier of India for his colossal contribution to combine and make India a united (Ek Bharat) and an unbiased nation.
- He requested the folks of India to reside collectively by uniting with a purpose to create Shresth Bharat (Foremost India).
- He can be remembered because the ‘Patron saint of India’s civil servants’ as he established the fashionable all-India companies system.
- The Statue of Unity at Kevadiya in Narmada district of Gujarat was in-built his honour.
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