Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch a commemorative coin of Rs 75 denomination on the event of seventy fifth Anniversary of Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) on 16 October 2020. PM Modi may even dedicate to the Nation 17 lately developed biofortified kinds of 8 crops.
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The occasion marks the very best precedence accorded by the federal government to agriculture and diet and is a testomony of the resolve to utterly eradicate starvation, undernourishment and malnutrition. Anganwadi centres, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, natural and horticulture missions throughout the nation will probably be a part of the occasion. India’s proposals for declaring 2016 because the International Year of Pulses and 2023 because the International Year of Millets have additionally been endorsed by the FAO.
Important takeaways for all aggressive exams:
- Food and Agriculture Organisation Headquarters: Rome, Italy.
- Food and Agriculture Organisation Head: Qu Dongyu.
- Food and Agriculture Organisation Founded: 16 October 1945.
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